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Showing 253-261 of 362

Considerations for a Move from an E3 to E5 License for M365

December 7, 2021
Identify and understand key decision points to consider when evaluating a transition from M365 E3 licenses to E5 licenses for email hygiene, endpoint protection and eDiscovery/compliance.
IANS Faculty
Management and Leadership

Three Security Initiatives to Consider in 2022

December 2, 2021
As the end of the year approaches, security leaders are starting to plan their strategic and tactical roadmaps for the year ahead. Here is a list of three security initiatives to consider in 2022.
IANS Faculty
Security Operations

Key Server and Endpoint Security Metrics to Track

November 30, 2021
The most valuable server and endpoint security metrics for security teams tend to help improve the security program overall. Here is a list of key server and endpoint security metrics to use for reporting.
IANS Faculty
Security Operations

Guidance for Building a Security Data Lake

November 23, 2021
Understand how data lakes differ from SIEMs, and guidance for planning, building, and securing a security data lake.
IANS Faculty
Security Operations

How to Evaluate the Viability of a Data Lake for Security

November 18, 2021
Are data lakes a viable option for your security program? Gain a better understanding of data lakes and learn the advantages and challenges of implementing them for security.
IANS Faculty
Application Development

Top 10 Container Security Tools for the Cloud

November 16, 2021
Find the top commercial and open source container and orchestration tools to consider within a cloud environment, along with recommendations for ensuring your architecture is secure, compliant and well-positioned for scale.
IANS Faculty
Application Development

Container Security Best Practices

November 11, 2021
Our Faculty provide container security best practices, including some top strategies and tools to consider, in order to help ensure the safety of your environment.
IANS Faculty
Security Operations

How to Create a Strong Cybersecurity Asset Management Process

November 9, 2021
Learn how to create a strong asset management process that fits your business and can be maintained over time.
IANS Faculty
Management and Leadership

The BISO Role: Where Business Meets Security

November 4, 2021
IANS Faculty member Nicole Dove provides a detailed overview of the BISO (business information security officer) role and explains how it works to improve both business and security outcomes.
Nicole Dove, IANS Faculty