Decision Support

Make informed security decisions, save time and protect your business 

Decision Support is IANS’ market-leading offering powered by our globally recognized, seasoned Faculty practitioners. Whether it’s deep domain knowledge, program guidance or a tie-breaking opinion, IANS and our Faculty act as trusted partners to provide the best decision support for your security team.

Les McCollum, ICMA-RC

Get insights and answers for your specific security inquiry from an expert practitioner.

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Peer Community

Join an exclusive community offering unfiltered insights from experts and peers.

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Security Implementation

Prepare for what’s next with Faculty-developed tools and briefings.

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Gain buy-in from leadership with real-time InfoSec news and content.

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Professional Development

Develop professional and career bench strength with Faculty led training.

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Reports & Insights

Make informed decisions with insightful reports, surveys and guidance.

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Ask-An-Expert (AAE)

Get insights and answers for your specific security inquiry from an expert practitioner.

Connect directly with one of our many Faculty members and get actionable answers for your unique inquiry. We draw from a security knowledge base of over 100 expert Faculty practitioners to provide a Faculty member to solve any security need. Streamline your decision-making process with an expert point of view on a product or technology and actionable recommendations.

Direct Access to Faculty

Unlimited on-demand access to deep Faculty knowledge with flexible formats for your schedule and preferences.
  • AAE Call: Meet with a Faculty expert to discuss your specific topic and receive follow up documentation for reference.
  • AAE Writeup: Receive a written response to your question from an IANS Faculty member.
  • Faculty Poll: Read perspectives and guidance from multiple IANS Faculty members.

Ask-An-Expert Database

AAE Database: Actionable, searchable and always available repository of peer questions, Faculty insights and full conversation transcripts.

Download an Ask-An-Expert Write-up

Peer Community

Join an exclusive community offering unfiltered insights from experts and peers.

Join our exclusive trusted community powered by experts and peers to network and share knowledge. Gain insights and discover reference points for new ideas at IANS Events. Get security technology analysis and straight talk without vendor bias in our Vendor Assessment Community.


Virtual and regional gatherings featuring IANS Faculty speakers and ranging from 2-day Forums to CISO Roundtables, to half-day topical Symposiums that build security muscle.

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Vendor Assessment Community

The Vendor Assessment Community provides unbiased, independent, practitioner perspective from IANS Faculty and industry peers on InfoSec domains and vendor solutions. Save time with research and tools developed from peer feedback to compare vendors and maximize the ROI of your vendor spend.

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CISO Inquiry

Leverage a private peer community to receive unique insights and perspective in a shared recap. Submit questions to peer CISOs who provide their thoughts and perspectives which are then summarized for review to help move decisions forward.

Tech Briefings
Security Implementation

Prepare for what’s next with Faculty-developed tools and briefings.

Be response ready with real-time Faculty guidance. Tackle security initiatives with time saving step-by-step guides, tools and resources.

Tech Briefings

Get live Faculty guidance on breaking InfoSec events, incidents and breaches for topics that may not make it across your desk but still requires the security team to take some actions. Watch weekly bite-sized webinars hosted by IANS Faculty members followed up by actionable checklists.

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Tools & Templates

Build your action plan and raise the bar on InfoSec initiatives. Search a robust database of Faculty developed toolkits, InfoSec job description templates, checklists and matrices, providing powerful, practical support. Speed completion of security-specific tasks with proactive resource materials offering step-by-step guidance.

Talk with IANS


Gain buy-in from leadership with real-time InfoSec news and content.

Daily curated news helps you effectively brief the C-suite and key internal stakeholders on issues that matter to the organization. Search communications-ready presentations and graphics to quickly customize any security content.

Executive Communications

Receive daily guidance from key news publications, Faculty briefings and the IANS Incident Command Center which provides Faculty and peer commentary. Share significant InfoSec news and events with the business and be response ready.

Content Aggregator

Curated relevant time saving InfoSec content is formatted into ready to use briefings, presentations and graphics. Easily repurposed for your specific proactive communications to senior stakeholders.


Professional Development

Develop professional and career bench strength with Faculty led training.

Develop your InfoSec skills with leadership training and hands-on experiences to earn your seat at the table.

Online Training

Our Live Online Trainings feature 3-6 hours of Faculty-led instruction and interactive labs presented in one and two-day formats. Available to IANS Decision Support clients, these courses include hands-on, interactive modules. Develop and enhance your and your teams’ InfoSec skills.

Visit Online Training

Executive Competencies

Exceed elevated expectations with executive development for CISOs and aspiring security leaders. Build executive presence and align security operations with business imperatives. Earn Digital Badges, overall Program Certification and (ISC)2 CPE Credits that propel your career upward.

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Reports & Insights

Make informed decisions with insightful reports, surveys and guidance.

Faculty Reports

Faculty reports and benchmarking surveys provide insights, guidance and actionable takeaways to make better informed decisions.

Compensation and Budget Surveys

Make data-driven decisions around compensation, budget, staffing and career development using peer and industry benchmarks. Objective insights and comprehensive compensation data from over 600+ security leaders across the U.S. and Canada include valuable recommendations from our expert cybersecurity recruiters.

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Vendor Assessment Community

Vendors can make or break your cybersecurity program

Selecting a vendor can be a painful process, even if you’re an experienced cybersecurity decision-maker. The right partner improves your cyber resilience. The wrong one becomes a nightmare, with poor support, hidden costs, and products that promise results but never deliver. It's hard to trust that analysts with vendor-supported business models are impartial.

IANS’ Vendor Assessment Community (VAC) provides an unbiased, independent, practitioner perspective from IANS Faculty and industry peers on InfoSec domains and vendor solutions. Find market overviews, selection criteria, and implementation advice and get the most out of your selected tool or service.

VAC enables unbiased vendor decision-making:

  • Real-world implementation experience from practitioners
  • Unbiased reports not influenced by vendors
  • Guidance for specific use cases, IT environments, size, and maturity

VAC focuses on critical solutions to build the foundation of your cyber program as well as advanced and emerging solutions to extend your security capabilities.

Find research and tools to help you:

  • Identify and evaluate vendors
  • Manage ongoing vendor relationships
  • Meet your immediate goals and prepare for the future

Get the most from your vendor relationships

VAC members contribute case studies detailing their experiences selecting, implementing, and managing cyber solutions, so you can learn from others’ successes and avoid vendor problems that cause friction. Wherever you are in your cybersecurity roadmap, the IANS Vendor Assessment Community will accelerate your journey.

Tech Briefing

Don’t Overlook Breaking Security Incidents

Daily major cybersecurity news stories can command or distract your attention - from a specific vulnerability to a new threat actor. It can be overwhelming to keep up with all the updates, news and alerts and not develop ‘security fatigue’. There are always topics that may not make the headlines but still require security leadership to take some actions.

Be Response Ready with Live Faculty Guidance

When a security incident occurs, you and your team need real-world context and perspective into what happened along with guidelines to mitigate risk. Tech Briefings feature IANS Faculty practitioner guidance on must-see news that should be on a CISO’s radar.​ Watch weekly bite-sized webinars hosted by IANS Faculty members followed up by actionable steps. Validate your security strategy ​with timely IANS interpretation on current events, be prepared and mitigate risk. Previous Tech Briefings topics on breaking cybersecurity news have included:

  • Active Exploitation of Critical Spring4Shell Vulnerability
  • Google Chrome emergency update fixes zero-day used in attacks
  • TikTok ban considerations
  • Treasury: Cloud Risks to FinServ
  • Atlassian data leak

Stay Ahead of Security Vulnerabilities and Breaches

Cybersecurity incidents make headlines almost daily providing lessons learned that security teams can review and then take proactive measures to prevent. Some stories should be used in conversations with the business to help them understand the organization’s posture.

IANS Tech Briefings keep you on top of relevant headlines to help security teams make informed, actionable decisions.