Faculty of Industry Experts

The IANS Faculty are at the core of our Decision Support service. This group of over 100 hands-on practitioners understands the key issues you face and delivers actionable recommendations, research, and step-by-step guidance. Our collection of independent experts spans nearly every field. For each security problem you need to address, IANS can connect you with someone "in the trenches."

Practitioner-based insights

Explore our content

Dave Kennedy, IANS Faculty

"In the Trenches"

The insights of the IANS Faculty are based on real-world experiences. Our Faculty includes:

  • Instructors and curriculum authors of industry standard training programs, such as SANS
  • Several founding members of the Penetration Testing Execution Standard (PTES)
  • Authors of well-known security books, including Metaspolit: The Penetration Testers Guide and Offensive Countermeasures: The Art of Active Defense
  • Current and former CISOs at Fortune 1000 companies
  • Major contributors to popular open source projects

Areas of Expertise

Mobility and Communications

Governance, Risk Management and Compliance

Threats and Vulnerabilities

Incident Response and Recovery

Application Development

Enterprise Software

Cloud Computing

Data Protection, Integrity and Availability


Management and Leadership


Security Operations

Identity and Access Management

Managing Vendors and Third Parties


Faculty Directory

How can you engage with our Faculty?

We deliver what CISOs and their teams need most: unbiased, practical advice; the ability to speak with professionals who understand their challenges; and peer interaction to keep their knowledge and skills fresh and up-to-date.

Decision Support

End-User Decision Support is our flagship offering delivered through an annual subscription service designed for CISOs and their teams. IANS connects you with independent experts and practitioners who have 'been there, seen it, and done it,' enabling you to accelerate your capabilities and make informed decisions.

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We work with you to shape engagements and provision them with the right IANS Faculty experts. Your project will never be staffed with junior level consultants. Our expertise is built from hands-on experience. We staff your project with doers who recommend actions, and then help you take them.

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Our events feature IANS Faculty members who offer a breadth of in-the-weeds advice and high-level guidance for the entire security team. Designed for you to engage with like-minded security professionals in a supportive environment, you’ll learn from a variety of industry approaches and use cases.

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