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Metrics and Reporting

Tips for Creating Effective Executive Dashboards

by Jessica Hebenstreit, IANS Faculty

Dashboards that show concrete, trending and actionable data offer a useful way to tell your security story.

This report explains the key ingredients of an effective executive-level dashboard and offers tips for building one.

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Risk Management

5 Real-World Use Cases for AI and How Best to Secure Them

by Josh More, IANS Faculty

Understand the main issues with AI, along with common business use cases and recommendations for protecting the organization when using each.

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Team and Structure Management

6 Keys to Fostering High-Functioning Remote Teams

by Josh More, IANS Faculty

This report details six key features of high-functioning remote teams and recommends ways to ensure your remote teams function seamlessly with your in-person teams.

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Team and Structure Management

Justify Team Size Amid Budget Constraints

by Jessica Hebenstreit, IANS Faculty

Use this report to justify budget spend on team size across IT and Security teams and overcome budget limitations to keep your roadmap on track.

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