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Management and Leadership

The State of the CISO, Canada, 2023–2024 Benchmark Report


Risk profiles, cyber maturity and cyberattack threat levels vary across industries and countries. Likewise, we find CISO compensation, security budgets and satisfaction levels vary as well. Similar to most of the global market, Canada is still maturing in terms of cybersecurity programs and cybersecurity leadership. 

Find valuable country-specific data, insights and analysis that can help CISOs in Canada better evaluate their situation along with compensation, security budgets and satisfaction levels. Download our benchmark report to learn: 

  • Compensation details for Canadian CISOs and key infosec leadership staff positions.
  • Cybersecurity budget breakdowns for Canadian firms.
  • Job satisfaction and career mobility data for CISOs in Canada

Complete the form and we’ll send a copy of the State of the CISO, Canada, 2023–2024 directly to your email. 


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