The Latest Security Budget Trends & Benchmarks
Receive in-depth budget survey data from over 750 CISOs including overall security budgets, breakdowns by industry, security budget as a percentage of IT budget, and key factors influencing budget allocations.
Make the case for your 2025 cybersecurity budget using data from your peers:
- Compare your budget to trends in your industry.
- See the top reasons for budget increases to help justify yours.
- Communicate the impact of this data with talking points from IANS Faculty.
Explore other resources including blogs and other helpful reports for cybersecurity leaders.
Get the 2024 Report

Justify your decisions with data sourced from peers
IANS annual CISO Compensation and Budget Benchmark Survey asks CISO questions related to their experience, compensation and executive visibility; the size of their budgets and YoY growth; their company industry and size; and their security org structure, i.e. number of staff and compensation levels for key leadership roles. We use data from this survey to develop in-depth signature reports such as the Security Budget Benchmark Report.
Have your team contribute to our staff compensation survey
CISOs often talk about being asked to do more with less, but when asked objectively in the survey, less than a third of CISOs are dissatisfied with their budgets. While there is a prevailing narrative more money is better and leads to CISOs being more satisfied, the reality is more complex.
Steve Martano, IANS Faculty
Industry-specific reports
The Compensation, Budget and Satisfaction Benchmark for Tech CISOs, 2023-2024
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The Compensation, Budget and Satisfaction Benchmark for Healthcare CISOs, 2023–2024
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The Compensation, Budget and Satisfaction Benchmark for Retail CISOs, 2023–2024
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Financial Services
Compensation, Budget and Satisfaction Benchmark for CISOs in Financial Services, 2023–2024
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