Jared DeMott

IANS Faculty

    Jared enjoys securing code and data in big tech after leading a successful startup. Jared has been passionate about cyber, since the early days of his career with the NSA. He holds a PhD from Michigan State University, and has often spoken on cyber matters at popular conferences. He was a finalist in Microsoft’s BlueHat security architecting contest, and has been on three winning Defcon capture-the-flag teams. Dr. DeMott has authored books, blogs and online courses on application security and malware analysis.

    • Application & Product Security (including Fuzzing, SDLC, etc.)
    • Threat Intelligence
    • Incident Response
    • Federal Security Programs
    • Security Training

    Achievements & Contributions

    • Big Tech Experience at Amazon and Microsoft
    • Successful startup exit
    • Speaker at information security events such as RSA, Black Hat, ToorCon, GrrCon, HITB, US Military Academy, and DerbyCon
    • Finalist in Microsoft’s BlueHat Prize contest, which helped make Microsoft customers more secure
    • Member of 3 winning Capture-the-Flag teams at DEF CON
    • Co-Author of Fuzzing for Software Security Testing and Quality Assurance (2008, 2018)
    • Former CTO for Binary Defense, an attack intelligence and security solutions company
    • Former Principal Security Researcher at Bromium and Harris Corporation
    • Former Cyber and Information Security Exploitation Engineer at NSA, Booz Allen, ASI, and FSU

    Certifications & Credentials

    • PhD, Computer Science – Michigan State University
    • MS, Computer Science – The Johns Hopkins University
    • BS, Computer Networks and Systems – Ferris State University
    • Immunity Certified Network Offense Professional (NOP) – Immunity Security

    Hobbies & Fun Facts

    During his free time, Jared is enjoying time with his family, particularly vacationing and outdoors. Jared is a Christian and will happily discuss faith should you desire to do so.